Hello & Welcome

This website and blog has come into existence as an avenue to express the experience of the Creative Entrepreneur from another perspective.

We are a group of Renaissance Women (aka Creative Entrepreneurs).


Notice how the Woman part is a subtext…

While we in this group all have a multitude of talents and skills (the Renaissance part), we are still on a journey in pursuit of a career in which our main source of income comes from what we really love to do (the Entrepreneur part). The road we’ve been on so far in trying to get there has been, to say the least, bumpy as hell.

We realized that it probably is for a lot of other creative people just like us. The thing is, no one seems to want to talk about the dirty, nitty, gritty bits of what it really means to go down this road. That of which forks into an incredibly infinite amount of paths, detours, dead ends, and burn outs. When you step beyond the “how do I start?” questions, you start to step into the real shit of what the Fine Art World is right now: Elitist, Political, & mostly directed by men.

Everyone wants us to play nice, roll with the punches, smile pretty and be silent.

In an era where a creative education is basically a pile of debt with no promise of future income and aggression against the minority is openly expressed there is no longer any room or excuse to stay silent. If anything, this is the time to start really speaking out and dishing some honest truth about the way things in the world work. If there is never any real open dialogue about the problems and issues that happen in a community of people — those things will always stay the same.

So let’s start a new Renaissance. Where art is a real career and we don’t have to start out millionaires to be a part of its world. Where we help each other rise instead of being Lobsters (or is it crabs?) in a barrel trying to keep each other down.

This blog will share and dish the true experiences of creative individuals as they navigate the art world and all the upside down and sideways rules in it.

Hope you’re ready!

PS. While we are starting out as a group of women, if in the future we find other-gendered individuals who would like to participate we are open to the idea.